
Tuesday, March 20, 2012


The Liebster Blog Award {Liebster is a German word meaning "dearest or beloved"}

Imagine my surprise when I opened my email recently to see that I'd been awarded The Liebster Blog Award.  Then I continued to open email, and there was another Liebster Award...........both on the same day.  Then, yet another Liebster Award came the next day.  Hey, thanks girls.  Maybe I'm doin something right if I received this award from 3 different people in just a couple days.  So, I've gotta say a big THANK YOU to Lori over at Color It Simple AND Elyse at Shabby Sweet Tea AND Katie Sue of Let's Add Sprinkles.  PLEASE take a sec and go visit these three great blogs, say hello and tell um Candy sent ya.  

I really feel honored since I only started my little blog about 7 weeks ago.  So, maybe you're wondering just what is The Liebster Award???  It's an award in the blogging community given to an up and coming blog, having less than 200 followers.  Now, I am to 'pay it forward' by passing the award to 5 other new, up and coming bloggers. What fun.

Soooo, after much visiting, reading and searching, these are my PICKS for The Liebster Blog Award:

1.  Amy at With a Vintage Twist.  Amy was one of the first bloggers I met and I've been a fan of her page ever since.  She always has beautiful photos of neat vintage finds and sometimes of her favorite haunts.   Her blog is lots of fun, so please go check her out.

2.  Patty at Patty's Pretty Things is such a sweet person. I've enjoyed just talking with Patty by email.  She usually shares decorating ideas in her blog. Go over and visit for some great decorating tips.

3.  Joyce at Little Family in the Big Woods is a favorite of mine.  She also inspired me to start a blog.  She once had a booth in my shop and that's how I learned about her blog.  If you want some really good recipes for great home cookin, go visit Joyce's blog.  And, she always has great pics of things in my favorite and purple.  

4.  Kerry at Woman at the Well I met through Amy's blog.  I love to blog hop and ran into Kerry one day while visiting Vintage Twist.  Anyway, Kerry shares recipes, decorating tips, and craft projects....always something different and fun.  So, please go check out her brand new blog.

5.  I've been following Analisa at Ruth's Farm and Furniture for awhile now.  I guess I enjoy her blog so much because she does the type things that I do. We both love to take old things and make them new it a shelf or a chest of drawers.  Please visit her blog and see what wonderful ideas and talent this girl has to share.

Congratulations to each of you! Here are the rules for passing the award  along.

Choose 5 blogs with less than 200 followers.
Show your appreciation to the blogger who awarded you by linking back to them.
Post the award on your blog. (I did this by right clicking the image and saving it as a picture. I then uploaded a "Picture" gadget in my side bar and uploaded the saved award picture).
Link back to the blogs you are awarding so that everyone else can pay them a visit.

Thanks again to Lori, Elyse and Katie Sue.     8-)


  1. I am SO happy for you. I have been nominated by three blogs but have not had a minute to 'crow' about it. (smile) I hope to in the next day or two. One of the nominators was like over a month ago but I'm still trying to figure out how to do link backs and gadgets. Hopefully I can tomorrow or the next day. I am following you back and am delighted you came to my blog and made a comment and are now following me. Isn't blogging just the funnest thing ever! I Love love love it and have met so many AMAZING people like yourself since starting my blog. I had no idea it would become so addicting.

    Thanks for the visit.


  2. Thanks for coming to visit my site, and congrats on the Liebster!! I am a new follower:)


  3. Hi Candy! Congrats on receiving the Liebster award! I've seen this award on a couple of blogs. Thanks so much for visiting and your very sweet comments. Thanks for following along too! I'm one of you new followers. I'll take a look around more tonight when I get off from work. I love your "about me" section. When I read it, I thought to myself "Now this is my kind of gal!" I would love to jump in the back of your truck and do some pickin in the country back roads of Alabama and Tennessee. I love the south but I've never been to Alabama. That is where many of my kin folk are from. That's another story that I may write a blog posting about. Where are those pictures of your little shih tzu fur babies? Looking forward to seeing the projects you will share on this blog. You're doing extremely well for just starting out!

  4. Wow! Congratulations!! You must be doin' something right!! I'm visiting from my own blog SPS, but I can tell by your banner that I like you already!!

    How do people get so many followers so quickly?!

  5. Congrats on the award. And thanks for visiting us (:

  6. Thanks Candy for the Shout Out and the award!!! Congratulations on the success of your blog. I can tell you are really enjoying becoming a part of the blog world. I am enjoying your posts, and I especially enjoyed the post on Lawrenceburg. Thanks again for your nice words.

  7. Candy,
    Congrats on your award!!! I am also a brand new blogger (even newer than you are!), and you are officially my hero! You have a great blog! I'm loving your furniture projects and tutorials!

    Your newest follower,

    Barbara @ Chase the Star :)


I do read and appreciate EVERY comment. I try to reply to all, but sometimes might miss seeing one. Please visit often. THANKS!!!