
Sunday, March 11, 2012


Yes, I know February is gone.........and it's waaaay past Valentine's Day. But, I want to show ya'll bout my 'first' swap. which just happened to be a heart for Valentine's Day.

I had only started my blog on January 31, 2012, so I was liiiiike......ONLY 3 days into this wonderful new world when I ran across  I really enjoyed reading her blog and then saw where she was doing a 'HEART SWAP' for Valentine's Day.  Well, I wasn't even sure what she was talkin about, but I had already noticed that this swappin stuff is a biggie here in blogland, and thought, "why not", so I signed up to take part in the heart swap.  Then I read on.  OOPS, I saw that it is to be stitched to a certain size..........ah, WHAT??.  Stitched???  Uh un, no, I don't sew.  Not a bit, no more than a button.  I do not own a sewing machine.  I didn't want to back out on my first lil venture in this new community I've just become a part of.  Sooooo,  I asked Ana, the lady/owner of if maybe I could just PAINT a little wooden heart or something.  Her answer was, "sure, paint one, but please try painting a fabric heart."  That way she could do the stitching and make a heart that would fit into her collection of little stitched hearts.

                                          Well, worth a try, right?

So, first, cut out a couple heart shapes.  I used a muslin cloth.
Then gather my supplies, brushes, acrylic paints, water basin, paper towels, Styrofoam plate to use as a paint pallet.

Place the colors of choice for flowers to come, out on the plate.  Starting with the liner brush (the thin round), I just did a thin line to look like vines and from there little rosebuds sprouted.

After the rosebuds, I added tiny leaves here and there, then tiny blue flowers.  Then just draw, with the brush, little lines connecting the dots...........or connecting everything to the vines.  Just be loose and it'll look more natural.  Ohhh, but then when I'd finished, I remembered, Ana would have to have enough room around the design for a seam.  Soooo, I decided this would not do.  So, I did another, starting in the center rather than around the edge, then I'd send both in hopes that she might get one good finished heart from the two.
So........WHA LAAA....
These are what went off in the mail to Ana.

                                          And, in a few days, this is the heart I received in the mail .  How sweet....with one little hand rolled rose, another yoyo flower with button center, and a third flower made from what looked like individual tiny petals with frayed natural edges.  LOVED IT!!!  And, this is where she landed.......her new home, atop my little vintage thread spools in a basket that I made years ago. 

Then in a few more days, I received an email from Ana with pictures of what she'd done with my little 'flat' hand painted hearts.

                              They did turn out to be kinda cute, don't cha think?  

Thank you so very much, Ana, for allowing me to take part, even though you did have to change directions a tiny bit just for me.  It was fun..........especially on my THIRD DAY IN, to be involved in this exchange.  It was my first, but I'm sure it WON'T be my last.




  1. Just stopped by to let you know that I featured your broken chair - shelf on my round tuit post this week!
    Round Tuit 92
    Thanks again for linking up! Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

    1. Thanks so much, Jill. I'll have to run over to take a look.

  2. Candy, Oh my!! I love your flowers on your hearts!!! They were definitely worth the wait my dear!! Oh sooo envious of those flowers!! I need a tutorial on how to!! :D
    Yours in return are pretty too!! I love how yours turned out when all done!! I am going to pop over to Amy's blog to check hers out too. Thanks for turning me onto hers too!
    I hope your having a wonderfully blessed day dear!!
    (btw, if you had tried to send a reply, and it didn't work, thanks to Shari, it is now fixed. Sorry for any inconvience dear! :D

  3. Beautiful hearts Candy!!!
    I could only paint like that in my dreams!
    Prim Blessings

    1. It's not difficult, Robin. Wish I could have painting classes again. Thanks, thanks for compliments.

  4. Oh' Candy, all three hearts turned out beautiful. I know you love the one you received from Ana. I so wish I could paint like that. Love, love, love your art work.

    I haven't forgotten about the post, it's just been one busy weekend. And tomorrow doesn't seem to be any less busy but I get back to you as soon as I can.

    Have a great night.
    Hugs…Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute

  5. Thanks so much, Tracy. And, I know what you mean about busy. I haven't had time to do any research either. Soon, though.

  6. That looks great--sounds like a fun swap!

  7. The hearts are beautiful, the one you received and the two you painted. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I'm now following you back.

  8. So pretty! I had not seen the heart swaps until now! Thanks for sharing, I'll look for a swap next Valentine's day!

  9. I imagine whomever received your painted heart was thrilled! You are such a great painter!

  10. So pretty Candy..I wish I could do decorative painting..

  11. Candy, those are beautiful. I would love to be able to paint roses (my favorite flower). Thanks for sharing. Take care.

  12. Thank you Candy for my beautiful hand-painted hearts. I love, love, love them. It was so much fun doing the exchange...I not only got two more beautiful hearts for my collection but a brand new, sweet and talented friend too. Sending you a great big hug.


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Ahhhh, thanks again, Ana. I've enjoyed showing them here.

    Hugs backatcha. 8-)

  15. Thanks for popping in and visiting me! I must say, you are one talented artist. You see, I am envious of people like you that can freely paint from your imagination like that. What you can't do in sewing, you clearly make-up for in painting! Love those little hearts you painted and they turned out awfully cute once they were stitched too. I don't sew either, but I found using fabric glue helps alot! You might try that some time. I am your newest follower too. Welcome to blogland.

  16. How pretty! Love your painted flowers, and the hearts are so sweet!

  17. Those painted hearts are wonderful!!

    blessings and thanks for visiting

    barbara jean

  18. Hi Candy, I am so happy you came for a visit. Your heart is so charming and glad you participated in your first swap. It's been a while since I have done a swap and miss them. Hope you are having a wonderful week. ~ Miles of Smiles ~ Lynn

  19. Wow! You're so talented! I love those painted flowers on the hearts. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  20. Hi Candy

    so nice to meet you and your charming blog. Looking forward to sharing more!! Have a great week

    warm wishes

  21. WOW, You are a really talented detail painter! Thanks so much for visiting Homespun Happenings. I am now your newest follower!

  22. Wow. That's amazing! Thank you for inviting me over...I'm your newest follower. :)


I do read and appreciate EVERY comment. I try to reply to all, but sometimes might miss seeing one. Please visit often. THANKS!!!